Friday, April 2, 2010

Spring into Easter!

Jude and I have had the day off together since it's Good Friday. We met friends for breakfast, then to the store and then to an indoor playnasium since it's rainy and gross here today. While at the playnasium, there was an Easter Bunny and they had an Easter Egg Hunt. Jude was all about it. But it got me to thinking...

Should I bring more religion into his life? He likes going to church with his cousins, but when I ask him if he wants me to take him, he says no. I don't really want to push it on him and I think when he's ready or willing, he'll ask. I secretly like being able to sleep in (until 7) on Sunday mornings and not have to spend half the day in church or even pantyhose and a slip for that matter. And honestly, I'm not even sure what I believe anymore. Being raised the way I was didn't exactly help with having much confidences in organized religions.

So on this Easter weekend, do I seek out a church where my pseudo beliefs can blend with his desire to sing songs and eat snacks with other 4 yr. olds and still gorge myself on Robin's Egg candies?


  1. Hope you had a great day off Julie! I can't believe how old Jude looks in these pictures.

    It's a tough question but I'm pretty opinionated about it so I thought I'd share my response. Most people call themselves Christian, Jewish, whatever because it's the church their parents took them to (at least until they are older). It's not a choice made by the child, and if it is, it's usually because that's the only one they're exposed to, or they want to make Mommy happy, or their friends tend to share those beliefs and attend that or a similar church for the same reasons. In fact, I don't think it's a choice a child really CAN make on their own, which unfortunately I think is true for a lot of adults too. I struggle with this decision for Will because we do not attend church but we don't want him to feel like he can't explore whatever option (including "none of the above") that he wants. In fact, I'm going to be encouraging of him if he asks questions and initiates an interest so that he can explore and decide on his own. So I don't feel like there's anything wrong with taking a child to church at all, but I like the idea of sharing the "this is what some people believe, what do you think?" message early and often...especially if your own beliefs are pseudo-beliefs as you said.

    Wow sorry, can of worms there for me. I enjoyed checking out your blog and thanks for the comment on ours today :)

  2. Beginning April 18th, I really want to start checking out the Wildflower Church. Of course, there is a service tomorrow at a different location. I'm not sure that children will be leaving this service, which would be a challenge. And no snacks.


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